
目前顯示的是 9月, 2023的文章

A story of J&K HIM GEI GEI: Miss Hong Kong from a pubic housing estates

A story of J&K HIM GEI GEI: Miss Hong Kong from a pubic housing estates  "Even public housing estates have Miss Hong Kong!" This sentence inspired the owner of J&K HIM GEI GEI, who was able to stand on the stage with Gei Gei at the CFA International Division Awards Banquet 2023 .   A few years ago, Gei Gei's owner brought him from the cattery, and then she had little contact. Until one day, Gei Gei's owner sent a message, saying that she wanted to let Gei Gei participate in a cat show, so we made an appointment to meet and understand his situation.   At that time, Gei Gei had grown a lot, but he still had a long way to go to meet the cat show requirements. In order not to discourage Gei Gei's owner, we suggested that she could try the household pet class competition first, and let Gei Gei gain some competition experience before considering participating in the pedigree cat premiership class competition.   However, Gei Gei's owner insisted on letting hi